Shinobi Shadow 3-80F

UX-12 03

Blade: Shinobi Shadow

Weight: 27.9g (LOW END) - 28.2g (HIGH END)



Overall: Due to its lightweight, Shinobi Shadow's potential is ruined by its being highly outclassed by the majority of Beyblade X, making it a very disappointing release. 

Gameplan: On setups with low height on any aggressive bit that can get speed, like Point/Rush, you must hard launch and aim to defeat your opponent via KO or outspin. On other setups, you want to tilt shoot with defense and stamina setups hard to outlast your opponents. 


Stamina(To be used against attack): Shinobi Shadow 9-60DB 

Defense: Shinobi Shadow 3-70/5-70H 

Attack: Shinobi Shadow 1-60P

Ratchet: 3-80

Weight: 7.1g



Bit: Flat

Weight: 2.3g




Overall: Flat is the go to for basic attack combos and does the job well enough, it is a must have for any bladers running attack combos.


Wizard Rod has set the new benchmark as of May 2024 to test for stamina it beats across the board all other options when used on stamina combinations like on Ball/Orb/Disc Ball. It can used effectively in defence combinations, has some weird KO resistance on the Ball, and get saved from Bursting due to the weight. In Attack VS Attack it can outlast attackers via pure stamina. 5-70 is a solid height to use for defence combinations or to use on other combinations such as Point or even alright with Ball combinations. Disc Ball has a glaring big weakness but does have the purest raw stamina out of all current bits. This release is a MUST-HAVE to compete in the current meta of Beyblade X.