Shinobi Shadow 3-70GP
UX-05 03
Weight: 27.9g (LOW END) - 28.2g (HIGH END)
Design: Shinobi Shadow is a 3-sided blade smoothed out at its contact points.
Parry Defense: Shinobi Shadow is designed to have a smooth shape to parry off attackers. The issue in this Blade lies in the shape being decent, but the Blade being so incredibly light negates any potential use.
Attack VS Attack: Shinobi is far too light to be consistent in any attack vs. attack (AVA) matchup; it will simply lose by being deflected and knocked out.
Attack VS Defense/Stamina: Shinobi Shadow is far too light to win any attack combination consistently.
Stamina / Defense: While Shinobi will not win in a stamina vs stamina battle, in defence use, if paired with Disc Ball on a low height ratchet like 60, it is possible to win and potentially out-spin attackers; the same in regards if paired with Hexa. The properties it has to fly around could be utilized in the best case for trying to give this a victory. However, even at that point, you would just use any other Blade for that purpose since a competent attacker user should not struggle against that Blade.
Shape: Shinobi Shadow has a good shape in its design, which is what makes it its biggest strength.
Weight: Shinobi is exceptionally light, which only works to ruin anything positive for the Blade.
Overall: Due to its lightweight, Shinobi Shadow's potential is ruined by its being highly outclassed by the majority of Beyblade X, making it a very disappointing release.
Gameplan: On setups with low height on any aggressive bit that can get speed, like Point/Rush, you must hard launch and aim to defeat your opponent via KO or outspin. On other setups, you want to tilt shoot with defense and stamina setups hard to outlast your opponents.
Stamina(To be used against attack): Shinobi Shadow 9-60DB
Defense: Shinobi Shadow 3-70/5-70H
Attack: Shinobi Shadow 1-60P
Weight: 6.4g
Design: 3-70 is a ratchet with three sides and a tall height. The contact areas are three wide points.
Consistent stamina is the same: You would need to balance tune to see if it matters compared to other sides, like 5 sides or etc.. This is up to Blader since it is a case-by-case basis.
Three sides with wider hit points: The Ratchet has wider contact points than a four-sided design. Although it is wider and should be easier to hit, three sides make less contact to cause a burst since they are more rounded off.
Middle Height: In this unique height range, similar combinations to those of 60 can be run and potentially beat them by being taller to stabilize them. This has to be very generalized, but one should experiment with this height and see what benefits it can reap.
Tall Height: Similar to that of 80 but slightly less of an issue, the taller you are the easier of a target you are to hit the exposed ratchet, since 70 is the middle height right now, this is worse than 60 but better than 80.
Weight: 2.3g
Design: GearPoint is a Beyblade X bit with high burst resistance and a small semi-sphere on the bottom with extended gears in a cone shape. The bit is designed so that if it stands still, it has stamina, and if it tilts, it has attacked.
Decent Stamina: Being a gear variant of Point, it does share similar traits of stamina; while you won't get the same performance as the ball, you will have it where it is like better than regular Gear Flat and sometimes could be able to beat regular Point. The benefit of Gear Point comes done to the aggression with some stamina to help it in the end game.
Good counter-movement: Since this is a bit like Point, you can use similar properties of use and have it be used for counter-movement to fight back against blades.
Xtreme Dash: If launched correctly, it can be used like a point gear ball to have a movement that can fight back against whatever Beyblade it is up against to KO them or Xtreme.
KO Risk: Due to shape not being something that can really grip the stadium, it can easily be KO'd, costing you big points.
Mold Variation: There are two molds of Gear Point. The first one has the ball exposed a lot, so if you hard shoot, you will have stable stamina. The other has the balln't as exposed, so if you hard shoot, you will go aggressive right away. If you have the second mold, then you have a bad gear point since it won't function as well as the regular mold but is still usable.
Somewhat tilted angle shoot and throw: To maximize the effectiveness of this Bit, you can employ a slight angle and throw the Beyblade on the opposing side from where you launch. This is to avoid knockouts and to conserve stamina.
Needs a STRONG shoot to be consistent.
Overall: Gear Point is too inconsistent but the most consistent out of the other gear bits that have been released. It is best used on blades that you would typically use point on as it balances out aggression with decent stamina. However it is the same as any other gear bit for waste of use being a welcome addition to any bladers collection but not too competitively desirable.
Due to its lightweight, Shinobi Shadow's potential is ruined by the fact that it is highly outclassed by the majority of Beyblade X, making it a very disappointing release. The release gives a decent recolor of 3-70 and an OK Bit of GP, while not the most desirable. If one does not want to get Hells Hammer for the 3-70, that is the only real purpose of getting this pull. Otherwise, it is best to collect early.