Hells Hammer R+P+MN
Weight: 32.8g (LOW END) - 33.2g (HIGH END)
Design: Three-sided blade design with smooth curves that hang somewhat low.
Down Smash: Hells Hammer is advertised as being designed to Down Smash, meaning to slam the opponent down on the stadium floor. The two issues here are that you first need a heavy blade or a proper shape, which Hells Hammer has like at best like an OK shape. Most of the time, you cannot pull this off due to the gap of the blade bursting, or the only real way to do it is by potentially reverse tilting the blade at a -75 degrees or so angle.
Smash Attack: Hells Hammer will primarily be best used on Low Flat at a 60 height since it needs the height to properly hit into other releases.
Attack VS Attack performance: In an attack vs. attack (AVA) matchup, Hells Hammer just does OK just about average against other blades it is not really special.
Attack VS Defense/Stamina: Hells Hammer can perform OK against Rod or Phoenix Wing; however, you should just use a more consistent attack.
Hells Hammer On Stamina/Defense: When used on stamina or defence combinations, it does not have enough stamina to be useful and too bursty on setups like High Needle and even Hexa.
Smash Attack: Hells Hammer can decently beat blades like Phoenix Wing on stamina setups, so it's not totally useless.
Gap: Hells Hammer like any Beyblade with a gap is more susceptible to a Burst, it is highly recommended to ONLY use Hells Hammer on 60 or lower heights. Especially with Hammer since it only works effectively and consistently with 60 or lower for combos.
Weight: The blade has awkward weight distribution, leading to what could have been an effective gimmick but sadly has failed for the design it has.
Overall: Blades like Dran Buster, Phoenix Wing, Tyranno Beat, or other higher-tier attack blades make Hells Hammer pointless to use. While it is viable, it is not competitive.
Gameplan: On setups with low height on low flat to flat launch with a hard shoot of strength.
Attack: Hells Hammer 3-60/9-60/5-60 LF
Weight: 2.1g
Design: Rush is a small flat but that features an elevated gear focused for the Xtreme line and features a stat of 80 for high Burst resistance.
BEST attack bit for Beyblade X: Since Rush is focused on the Xtreme Line and does so consistently it is the best attack bit as it allows for good speed and control in the Xtreme Stadium.
Good Stamina: Since this bit doesn't really waste time in battle it is pretty effective as an attack bit to do the job that is needed.
Able to pick up strong speeds and KO: The Bit excels in achieving high rotational speeds, making it proficient at knocking out opponents from the stadium.
Burst Resistance: Due to being a Bit with an 80 Stats in Burst resistance this makes this bit great to use due to minimal Burst risk.
Wear: With how this bit is designed you might end up having this wear and being slightly less consistent than mint, this does not greatly affect gameplay but can get pretty annoying over time due to a poor design by Takara Tomy.
Low stamina: Even though we mentioned good stamina, if this thing wears a lot it can lead to failure to use the Xtreme Line sometimes which can cause a depletion in stamina.
Flat launch or a somewhat tilted angle shoot: To maximize the effectiveness of this Bit, you can employ a flat launch or a slight angle to utilize the stadium's gimmicks and aim for knockouts.
In the case of Rush: you want to decide if you tilt or do a flat launch since if you do flat you will do repeated Xtreme Dash movement, or if you do tilt it could work against certain opponents to counter and defeat them.
Weight: 2.2g
Design: Point is a flat bit that features a filled area where the indent would usually be with semi sphere ball, and features a stat of 80 for high Burst resistance.
Good mix of attack + stamina: Point has the highest stamina compared to any of the current Flat bits released, whether this is LowFlat or GearFlat. This bit excells in having good attack power and stamina throughout the battle, it is best kept in mind if it is a Flat bit not like a full on Taper bit. As it doesn't have the same stamina as Taper but does have better movement to it for attack in battle.
Great attack bit for Beyblade X: This tip basically just has all the qualities of flat but can sometimes tilt and create an aggressive flower movement to harm the opponent.
Uses the Xtreme Dash gimmick easily: The Bit works well with the Xtreme Dash performance tip, allowing for high speed and KO potential.
Able to pick up strong speeds and KO: The Bit excels in achieving high rotational speeds, making it proficient at knocking out opponents from the stadium.
Burst Resistance: Due to being a Bit with a 80 Stats in Burst resistance this makes this bit great to use due to minimal Burst risk.
Inconsistent Movement Pattern: Point can be a hit or miss but depends on person to person, the issue sometimes is getting that right movement for it as you really need to sometimes strong tilt it against stamina combos.
Vulnerability to self-KO: If the Bit is hard-launched and catches the stadium path, it can self-KO, which is a potential weakness. Control and technique are important when using this Bit.
Flat launch or a somewhat tilted angle shoot: To maximize the effectiveness of this Bit, you can employ a flat launch or a slight angle to utilize the stadium's gimmicks and aim for knockouts.
With Point: In general attack vs attack battles you could just tilt to conserve stamina and to hold a good ground against attackers while against anything that is stamina or defense give a good flat launch to do damage or KO, be aware this bit takes practise to use right.
Weight: 2.7g
Design: Metal Needle is a Beyblade X bit with low burst resistance and a sharp metal cone shape on the bottom.
Weight: The use of metal has the benefit of being slightly heavier than the average Bit. However, this weight is inconsequential for any real difference in performance compared to regular Needle for KO resistance.
Stamina: Despite being metal, it arguably has way worse stamina than a regular Needle, losing balance far easier than the regular needle.
Burst Risk: The Bit has 20 in burst resistance, there is a potential risk of using it, as it has lower resistance than Balance and Attack Bits. This is not the be-all and end-all; it is just something to consider.
Destruction of Stadium: Due to being Metal while on a regular 34g Bit, the stadium shouldn't get dented on any heavier Bit. Your stadium will slowly start to see dents, especially if you try to slam or hard launch, you can get dents even easier. Making this Bit virtually pointless in every category possible.
Somewhat tilted angle shoot and hold: To maximize the effectiveness of this Bit, you can employ a slight angle and keep the Beyblade on to the corner of where you are to lead into the middle to get those big hits without being knocked out.
Be aware of the top corners on the opposite side of where the Xtreme Finish is: Aim to try to KO with your movement.
Hell's Hammer is a blade that struggles with mediocrity in attack, only showing some potential with very low heights or extremely tall, heavy ratchets for down-smash. It doesn’t stand out much in performance. Point is a solid balance Bit with good attack and stamina. Metal Needle lacks strong stamina and doesn’t offer much benefit from its added weight. Rush, on the other hand, is a strong attack Bit, providing controlled movement and repeated Xtreme Dashes, making it the best-performing part of this setup.