Wizard Rod
Weight: 35.2g (LOW END) - 35.8g (HIGH END)
Design: Five-sided blade design with a smooth circular shape with slight bumps around.
Attack VS Attack performance: In an attack vs. attack (AVA) matchup, Wizard Rod uses weight and stamina to outlast opponents on parts like Rush, Point and Taper.
Wizard Rod on Stamina/Defense: When used on stamina or defense combinations, Wizard Rod becomes a mighty tank; while on Ball setups can generally get KO'd, it still has a lot of staying power in the stadium. Due to weight, it also prevents bursts where the bit starts to slip out, still staying in the game, which can lead you to have stamina victories in battle. On Hexa setups if you tilt launch you should be nearly winning majority if not a lot of matches against attack setups, you will lose towards stamina builds that use ball.
Weight: Wizard Rod is a very heavy stamina blade; it has a strong defense for both its weight and circular shape.
Stamina: Wizard Rod due to OWD has insanely good stamina outclassing and being the most consistent stamina option to use.
Gap: Wizard Rod, like any Beyblade with a gap, is more susceptible to a Burs; however, while I am listing this as a weakness because of the weight of Wizard Rod, it somehow like can negate this as an issue. You can still burst at low or tall heights, but the weight helps keep it together from bursting.
Overall: Wizard Rod has set the new benchmark as of May 2024 to test for stamina. It beats all other options when used in stamina combinations like Ball/Orb. It can be used effectively in defense combinations, has some weird KO resistance on the Ball, and gets saved from Bursting due to the weight. In Attack VS Attack, it can outlast attackers via pure stamina. This release is a MUST-HAVE to compete in the current meta of Beyblade X.
Gameplan: On stamina and defense setups to tilt hard launch to out last your opponents, on attack setups to just flat launch it.
Attack: Wizard Rod 5-60/9-60/1-60 / T / R/L/LR (Meant VS Attack types only to defend against them and out last via stamina)
Stamina: Wizard Rod 5-60/9-60/7-60/B/O/DB/G
Defense: Wizard Rod 5-70 H / 5-60/7-60 HN/D/H
Wizard Rod is a must-have if you want pure defence and stamina from BEYBLADE X, it is a must have for anyone playing in the meta right now.
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