Crimson Garuda 4-70TP


Blade: Crimson Garuda

Weight: 34.7g (LOW END)  35.2g (HIGH END)



Overall: Crimson Garuda is a balance blade similar to that of Shark Edge in performance it is mainly used on attack combinations and does well enough, it is a welcome addition to anyones collection.

Gameplan: Crimson Garuda should be used on low-height attack combinations, where it can maximize its forward-smash potential.

Recommended Combos: Attack: Crimson Garuda 7-60 / 1-60 | LF / LR / R

Ratchet: 4-70

Weight: 6.5g



Bit: Trans Point

Weight: 2.17g




Overall: Trans Point is a bit that is inconsistent in performance. While it has good stamina and aggression, it suffers from self-bursting on the Xtreme Rail and is vulnerable to bursting when the mode change occurs. If one is to use this bit, it’s best to keep it in low mode and launch away from the Xtreme Rails to minimize risk.


Crimson Garuda offers decent value for what it is, especially for those looking to add an attack-oriented blade to their collection. The ratchet isn’t special, and Trans Point doesn’t shine consistently, but it can still hold its own. While it isn’t a high-priority purchase, it’s a welcome addition if you can get it, but you’re not missing out on much if you don’t.