Weight: 2.2g
Design: High Needle is a Beyblade X bit that features low burst resistance and a cone shape on the bottom of the bit. It is also a taller 1mm taller variant of the original Needle.
KO Resistance: Unlike the original Needle HighNeedle features slightly more smushed cone shape on it. It features similar properties of KO resistance but now with the added benefit of more stamina. The only real difference being the original Needle can take more of those hits.
Defense Stamina: Since HighNeedle is more of a cone shape it this basically means that it will have more long-lasting stamina in attack battles managing to give a lot more than regular Needle in end game.
Burst Risk: Due to being a bit with 20 in burst resistance there is a potential risk to use as it has lower resistance than Balance and Attack bits. This is not the end all be all just something to consider.
Somewhat tilted angle shoot and hold: To maximize the effectiveness of this Bit, you can employ a slight angle and hold the Beyblade on to the corner of where you are to lead into the middle to get those big hits without being knocked out.
Be aware of the top corners on the opposite side of where the Xtreme Finish is: Aim to try to KO with your movement.
HighNeedle has an improvement over regular Needle for stamina and any tradeoff for slightly less defense is irrelevant, this is a must have for any defense combo.