Weight: 6.5g
Design: 4-70 is a ratchet that has 4 sides and a middle height, the contact areas for the ratchet are 4 small points.
No real difference in consistent stamina: There doesn't seem to be a significant difference in stamina performance between the three-sided and four-sided versions of the Ratchet. However, this varies from combo to combo and should absolutely be tested if you are to try anything at all.
Middle Height: In this unique height range, similar combinations to those of 60 can be run and potentially beat them by being taller to stabilize them. This has to be very generalized, but one should experiment with this height and see what benefits it can reap
Four sides with smaller hit points: The Ratchet has four sides with small square contact points compared to a three-sided design. Despite having smaller hit points than three sides it actually makes it easier to hit since it is not as rounded off meshed onto the ratchet.
4-70 is OK but not too preferred compared to other ratchets, it is the worst out of all the 70 heights so far. As such it is fine if you don't have other options but if you have 5-70, 3-70, you have no reason to use 4-70 at this point of the game.